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Political view from the Underclass

Updated on November 8, 2016

The elections of 2016 is in my opinion the most important in our nation’s history. I believe that our nation has changed in ways that adversely affect the working people that liberals and conservatives talk about so often . Both parties claim support from the American people .Both claim to represent the grass roots, the little people, the great Americans, the patriots, the working people, the middle class, and everyday people, both parties lie.

Republicans and Democrat are really similar and like people. They agree much more than they disagree . However, Conservatives and liberals are really dissimilar and very unalike .They disagree much more than agree, especially since the beginning of the current Administration . We the people have been watching and listening . We hope positive changes will soon come from our law makers in Washington . All Republicans are not conservatives and all liberals are not Democrats .

The Democrat Party is said to have an agenda that promotes and supports Entitlements for people who don’t pay taxes .These entitlements like food stamps, social security, medi-caid,and medi-care could be extended to include illegal immigrants . Entitlements are a burden for the American people who can’t afford any more taxes .The republicans support a rightish agenda that don’t support social entitlements that they say will eventually bankrupt the nation .Under the previous administration conservatives tried to pass legislations that would allow privatization of the nation’s health care entitlements . The Republicans stance is Fiscal Conservatism .

The Democrats plan to tax the rich, wall street, and big business .They also plan to close some tax loop holes and regulate business and finances (Government Watch Dog) .

The Republicans said, Hell No! to the people in America at a time when they and their love ones desperately needed help .The conservatives said no to small business, police and fire protection, schools and education, the unemployed, the uninsured, the poor, the grass roots, great Americans ,the middleclass, patriots .They didn’t deny the Dems, they denied the American people .

I’m a Baby Boomer with a middle class back ground . I’m a recently retired truck driver receiving social security disability . My wife can’t afford to pay for my health insurance which just got more expensive on her job, last month . I must soon apply for Medicare .The majority of tea party members are similar and like Iam when it comes to government intervention .I’m more conservative than liberal in many ways .The tea party agrees with the conservative republican ideas of less taxes on the rich and powerful and less social entitlements .The right seeks to stop and turn back government intrusions and regulation of business and finances in America.

The Tea Party was promoted and conceived by conservative talk radio and television personalities and their associates .The tea party movement is financially supported by millionaire conservatives who have benefited from the status quo .The leaders of the tea party are rich and their members are working class people. There may be racist in the tea party, but no racism in my opinion. Racism is a verb not an adjective. Racism requires action in the form of a conspiracy based on a person’s race. The practices of some laws, policies,and institutions could be considered racism, but not the tea party. I told my son after his first marriage failed to choose his next wife with his ears, not his eyes or heart. I told him that if he hadn’t been distracted by her good looks he wouldn’t have been surprised by her action. The tea party’s grass roots, and everyday people should really listen to the republican position before they vote republican. The Great Americans and Patriots say they are tired of the big brother, big government’s socialized direction of the democrats and liberals. I say listen and think for yourselves, and don’t let anyone tell you what you hear or how you should feel. The jury is still out on the future of the tea party, their leaders are not elected they are selected.

The most powerful and influential (Shadow Government) political players in America are not elected, but selected. They control politics, jobs, the economy, imports, exports, health care, all insurance, in fact they controlled the federal Government most of the last decade. Today they are fighting with all the money they have to keep control of our government. Some people say they want their country back. Back from who? I think I know who took it and now want to retake it again. It’s up for grab now and we the people should be moving it out of the reach of those who took our country. They took it for their children and great great grandchildren. Who stole It? The thieves are a few thousand men and women earning multimillion dollar annual salaries while the rest of the people fight over slim pickens . They have put the nation’s economy in jeopardy. Their desire to horde the people’s money and influence Washington politics is obvious. The thieves are Big Business, Wall Street, and their lobbyist . They have cause the nation’s quality of life and economy to decline over the last decade. The world’s emerging nations and economies are where they are focusing the nation’s wealth. Their investments are raises emerging nation life styles and economies and lowers the American people’s life styles and economy. In the last decade we have lost many millions of good paying jobs to the new world markets. Big Business, and Wall Street have positioned themselves to profit (big time) as the American people are forced to pull themselves up by their boot straps. There is no money trickling down .

The influential power of money in a capitalistic society is literally mind blowing. With enough money you can buy anything and almost anybody. The president and congress can’t put people back to work but wall street or big business can do that, if they desired to do so. The administration can’t create jobs and force big banks to loan to smaller banks to promote job growth and investments. It takes money to create employment, a lot more money than what is left in the stimulus package. The rich and powerful have the American people held hostage. They have the American people mad as hell with each other. Talk radio and television every day and night tell the people what to be angry or scared of every 24 hours. We are literally overwhelm with mis or dis information. All the news distracts us from seeing the real problems and solutions. That kind of influence is very costly, only Wall Street and associates can afford such an illusion .

We the people need to stop look and listen. I’m voting Democrat because they are fighting the power. My fellow Americans please vote your interest and pay grade.


August 7, 2010


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