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An Underclass View of Obama and Romney

Updated on June 7, 2012

Political View from the Underclass

June 5, 2012

An Underclass View of Obama and Romney

The Presidency of the United States is a serious job and electing the right man for the job is important. We have to choose between Obama and Romney in November. Now, who is the best man for the job? I will view where Obama and Romney were 3 1/2 years ago. Obama was elected the first Black President of the United States of America 3 1/2 years ago. Romney was embarking on another run for President, 3 1/2 years ago. President Barack Obama has for the last 3 ½ years handled the affairs of our nation on a global stage with understanding and knowledge of what cause and effect his decisions have on our Nation. His ability to sit with and match wits with any and all world leaders and come to an understanding, if not an agreement, has been Presidential. A good President must be able to learn and retain quickly information and be articulate and confident in his oral presentations. The President has personally engaged many friends and foes of America. He is respected and feared, respected by friends of America and feared by enemies. He has not hesitated to order the killing those who would harm Americans. Somehow his critics in America find fault in his killings and in his desire to prosecute America’s enemies.

In America, the President is respected by most Americans but hated and feared by many Americans for personal reasons. His first two years in spite of unprecedented disrespect was somewhat successful. He managed to stop the hemorrhaging of 700,000 jobs a month. The Republicans fought against a stimulus package that kept cities across America from laying off millions of police, fire fighter, and teachers. The Republicans in an unprecedented move called for austerity, because they felt that the debts created before Obama’s Presidency was unsustainable. With the use of Executive Order and Powers the President Loaned the U.S. Auto Industry Billions of Dollars of Tax payer’s Money. The Auto Industry unlike Wall Street was not too big to fail. IT REALLY TOOK A DECIDER TO MAKE THAT DECISION AT THAT TIME IN SPACE. It wasn’t a bail out as with Wall Street, it was a loan with interest. If the president had to go through the house and senate to save the U.S. Auto Industry it would not be the #1 Auto Industries in the world today. The Stimulus Package helped him to be a President like all Presidents before him for a minute. By the time most of the stimulus was gone and the 2010 mid- term elections approached, the debt crisis and the war over the debt ceiling had poisoned the minds of the people. There are many right winged conservatives flying liberal flags and they are card carrying Democrats. Republicans no longer allow liberals or left leaning Republicans to win elections. In spite of all the right winged Democrats in the house and senate, and with the help of two brave Old Guard Republican Women, the president was able to sign into law watered down health and financial reform, ( You have to start somewhere, and it’s a start) that is needed for debt control and cost control. Every progressive action the President made brought about negative reactions from the healthcare and the financial Industries. These industries are targeted for reform if Obama isn’t a 1 term President. The healthcare industry’s reaction was to charge more for less healthcare coverage. The financial Industry’s reaction was to stop lending and sit on the money; bail out money can also collect interest or be invested off shore. What can the President do about the reactions of health and finance? The President can’t do anything but watch until November 2012 and see who the people say will be the next President, him or Mitt. Now if Obama wins reelection and the house or senate has a large democratic majority, there is a good chance for health and financial cost reform. If the President wins with a democratic majority in the house and senate, which would be a mandate, then the American people will have spoken loudly.

What if the President was to lose and Romney becomes the new President of the United States of America? If Mitt Romney becomes the 45th President, I believe Financial and Health care reform will not be a priority for a Republican Presidency. Whatever triggers that are supposed to kick in 2013 and beyond will be defunded in the name of Austerity. I believe the false claims of government overspending and the imminent bankrupting of America caused by government over spending will continue until 2014. By the year 2014 most government jobs on the federal, state, and local levels will be eliminated. Most public schools in the nation will be replaced by private and charter schools, and since the federal government will be out of the business of funding public education, there will be less chance for American children to be educated. It will appear that the job creators are trying their best to create jobs and employ the people since there is a Republican in the White House. The private sector jobs created will be not enough to replace public sector jobs lost during the first two years of Romney’s Administration. The banks will spend some of the trillions they have been sitting on for the last four years. The reforms and new hurdles placed on consumer loans since the bailout will remain in place, but access to job creator’s loans will increase. That makes good business sense to business people, why not? Now less face facts, the American Dollar though not backed by anything but the Might of the United States is the Gold Standard of Currency in the World. There is absolutely no real fear of America going broke because the country can’t pay its bills due to too much debt. Talk about, “Too Big to fail”. Have no fear my fellow Americans, about America heading for economic collapse. America being the inventers of Capitalism will make every amendment to financial rules, policies, agreements, and by any means necessary, save Capitalism. So you can be sure the job creators will not let the economy collapse. The debt is just Republican tea party Hogwash.

I can’t talk much about Romney’s accomplishments in the last 3 ½ years. All I can say is he won the Republican nomination after an almost 12 year endeavor. I can say he was once a State governor who didn’t leave a long list or short list of remarkable accomplishments. I can also say he was an executive of Bain Capital and made a large amount of money in that position, which was another accomplishment. The fact that he is not good in debates is obvious. His lack of understanding of foreign affairs and inability to articulate his intention with conviction and confidence; can be a handicap on the world stage. I don’t believe Mitt Romney could make Presidential decisions without direction from his supporters and financial backers. He said he will support the far right tea party’s agenda of stopping government spending while lowering taxes on the job creators. Republicans always have and always will spend government money on the job creators. The money spent on the interstate system and the federal monies spent by state governments yearly, to create and maintain state highway systems, must and will continue to benefit job creators in the public sector. Corporate socialism, and corporate welfare coupled with low and no taxes, and paid federal subsidies cost the American people, but no cost to the job creators. I believe if Romney wins in November the national debt crisis will be found to be a non-issue in a Republican Administration. I don’t believe that the President should be replaced just because he is a Democrat and Romney is a Republican. I believe that President Obama is without a doubt the best man for the job at this time in space in our country’s history. Mitt Romney has not given me any reason to vote for him other than he is the Republican nominee for President. If you can give me a good reason or two to vote for Mitt Romney, please tell me why I should vote for Mitt instead of the President Obama.



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